Friday 26 October 2012

Prayer Letter Oct-Nov 2012

Ogallo Family – Prayer Letter               Oct-Nov 2012
Grace Baptist Church – Eldoret
P.O. Box 170 – 30100, Eldoret, Kenya
Tel: +254 53 2030823; Cell: +254 723 918943 or +254 737 918943

Dear Friends,
Receive our greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
At the end of what otherwise is a very hard Psalm, David concludes (35:28) “And my tongue shall speak of Your righteousness and of Your praise all the day long.” We rejoice as we report of the Lord’s righteousness upon our lives and ministry in these past weeks.
            At the end of September HeartCry and our Zambian brethren facilitated a ten days trip for Pastor Sam of Grace Baptist Church Kisumu and I. The purpose was for us to visit the CopperBelt Ministerial College (CMC) in Ndola city so that we could learn lessons which would help us structure our new College in Kisumu. The two Sundays which found us in Zambia were memorable. The first Sunday (30th September), I had opportunity to preach at Kabwata Baptist Church where I last preached exactly twenty years and one month ago! The last Sunday (7th October) I was also privileged to preach at Lusaka Baptist Church where I last preached exactly seven years ago! Reuniting with former acquaintances and making new contacts brought to me no small joy. And so, I have been meditating on Psalm 16:3 “And to the saints who are on the earth, “They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.”
            From 1st to 5th October we were in Ndola city. Our time at CMC was very fruitful in every way. It was a great privilege to attend the lectures, interact with the students, and discuss with the administration and the faculty. We also had opportunities to visit homes of the leaders of various churches both in Ndola and back in Lusaka. Food everywhere was delicious and these good brethren made sure we didn’t lack anything; I actually added weight! CMC has been operating for over four years and held its first graduation early this year. In all this, we learnt a lot.
            During those two Sundays while I was away, Pastor Michael of Bethesda Baptist Church travelled from Nairobi and preached for me. The church appreciated his ministry very much. While the church was very happy to have me back, many also testified that my being away made them learn to look to the Lord more earnestly; what a good lesson that was!
            We say thank you for your replies and prayers following our last Prayer Letter (2nd Supplement). We needed them so much. Shortly after my return from Zambia, a young man called Jeffry, who was under conviction of sin, approached me. After a long talk, I pointed him to Christ upon whom he made a profession of faith. He has been regular at the teaching ministries of the church. Please remember him in prayers that the Lord will enable him to grow in faith and the knowledge of Christ. We are also very thankful to God for new people attending our services. Pray that the Lord may save those who are not yet saved and that believers may seek to identify with the church through membership. We continue to develop opportunities among the University students. Please pray that these opportunities will bear lasting fruit. Equally, do not be weary to pray for us regarding church land and a more permanent meeting structure.
            This coming Lord’s Day, we expect James Williamson of HeartCry and the Coordinator of ministerial training colleges at Lusaka and Ndola. After the Sunday ministries, both of us will travel to Kisumu where James will visit the College and give lectures. Please pray for us regarding various needs of this young College. Finally, pray for our annual Family Conference set for 10th to 14th Dec.
In Christ by grace,
Naphtally & Helida Ogallo.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there brothers and sisters. Just wanted to let you know, now whenever you post on your blog page, it will automatically feed over to my site, Praise God that He has given us this ability.


    Jeremy Strang
